Manufacturing is making things. Raw materials become products such as cars, computer chips, cell phones, contact lenses, cosmetics, couches, clothes, candy, and more. Employees who create those products range from production-line workers in factories assembling parts to executives in skyscrapers overseeing global operations. Repetitive tasks that typically occur in manufacturing are being performed by robots and the automation process, which requires highly trained employees that can adapt to a variety of situations. Manufacturing today needs people who can understand highly technical information and make complex decisions. Workers are responsible for creative problem solving that ensures companies meet the highest quality standards. If you like building things, can follow detailed instructions, or are good at organizing people and processes, then manufacturing could be the right career cluster for you. (Information provided by AchieveTexas at
- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (pdf)
- Draft Course Crosswalk (pdf)
- Recommended Sequences (pdf)

Flexible Manufacturing

