Architecture & Construction
Look around you. You are likely inside a room in a building, maybe in a school. You are in a structure that started with an idea in an architect’s head. He or she imagined how tall it would be, how many rooms it would hold, where the walls and doorways would stand. The architect drew up plans that guided teams of people as they went about constructing the building—plumbers, electricians, masons, roofers, framers, and so on. And now that the building is finished, another team of people manage and maintain it, keeping equipment up and running, the spaces clean and organized, and the windows glistening. These are the people who work in the Architecture & Construction cluster. If you like to design and build things, tinkers with tools and technology, or decorate homes and offices with flooring, paint, furniture, and art, then Architecture & Construction could be the right cluster for you.
(Information provided by AchieveTexas at
- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (pdf)
- Draft Course Crosswalk (pdf)
- Recommended Sequences (pdf)

(EPISD) Architecture

Architectural Design

Electrical Technology

(EPISD) Interior Design

